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  • CONTRIBUTION DÉFINIE | Benefit Services

    VOS PRESTATIONS DE RETRAITE À CONTRIBUTION DÉFINIE Le conseil d'administration de la Caisse de retraite à cotisations déterminées de la section locale 725 du MCASF est heureux de vous accueillir sur le site Web à cotisations déterminées. Sur ce site Web, vous aurez désormais accès 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 aux formulaires les plus fréquemment demandés, aux liens utiles mis en évidence et aux questions fréquemment posées concernant les informations relatives à vos prestations. About the Defined Contribution Fund The MCASF Local 725 Defined Contribution Retirement Fund is a defined contribution retirement plan. The Plan most recently was amended and restated, effective July 1, 2021, and subsequently was amended from time to time to make necessary and desirable changes. ​ The Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees comprised of both Local Union 725 and MCASF representatives. This site provides Participants with online access to complete information about your Defined Contribution Retirement Plan. ​ You should file an Retirement Application well in advance of the date you expect to retire. You may request an Application from the Benefit Office, as well as seek assistance during the application process. Early filing will help you to avoid a delay in the processing of your application and the payment of benefits. DC Fund Preliminary Investment Results 1.5% YTD a s o f Feb . 29, 2024 Relevés CD Vos relevés de compte de participant 2021 pour le fonds de retraite à cotisations déterminées sont en production pour l'envoi. ​ Vous n'avez pas à attendre le courrier, vous pouvez obtenir votre solde 2021 dès maintenant ! Connectez-vous à votre portail pour voir.... Période électorale Du 1er octobre au 30 novembre ELECTION PERIOD IS CLOSED FOR 2024 Mark your calendar to do the 2025 Election to increase your retirement benefit 2022 Summary Annual Report The Summary Annual Report (SAR) provides members with importan t information regarding the Plan. The SAR is required by law to be provided to members by November 15th of each following year. 2022 SAR Summary Plan Description The Board of Trustees are pleased to provided you with the Summary Plan Description, Effective July 1, 2021 ​ This SPD provides the most up to date summary of plan provisions and rules. Get Your SPD Plus d'information Au régime de retraite à cotisations déterminées, Contactez le Bureau des prestations au (754) 777-7735 ou Cliquez sur les pages Foire aux questions ou Documents pour obtenir des informations ou des formulaires supplémentaires. FAQ Portail des participants Vous pouvez consulter vos informations personnelles, 24 heures sur 24/7 jours sur 7. Vérifiez le (s) solde (s) de votre compte, les heures travaillées, les cotisations reçues en votre nom, votre bénéficiaire et plus encore. Accédez au portail Liens utiles Cliquez sur ces liens pour obtenir des informations utiles. AARP Internal Revenue Service Medicare Administration de la sécurité sociale Affaires de vétérans Nous contacter

  • Pension | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    VOS PRESTATIONS DE PENSION Le conseil d'administration de la Caisse fiduciaire de pension MCASFLocal 725 est heureux de vous accueillir sur le site Web de la pension. Sur ce site Web, vous aurez désormais accès 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7 aux formulaires les plus fréquemment demandés, aux liens utiles mis en évidence et aux questions fréquemment posées concernant les informations relatives à vos prestations. About The Pension Fund The MCASF Local 725 Pension Trust Fund is a defined benefit pension plan. The Plan most recently was amended and restated, effective July 1, 2021, and subsequently may be amended from time to time to make necessary and desirable changes. ​ The Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees comprised of both Local Union 725 and MCASF representatives. This site provides Participants with online access to complete information about your Pension Plan. ​ You should file a Pension Application well in advance of the date you expect to retire. You may request an Application from the Benefit Office, as well as seek assistance during the application process. Early filing will help you to avoid a delay in the processing of your application and the payment of benefits. MCASF Local 725 Pension Fund Annual Funding Notice IRS regulations require that the Annual Funding Notice be provided to members every year. The Annual Funding Notice reflects the Pension Plan's funded status as of the beginning of the 2023 Plan Year (January 1, 2023). Read AFN Here Avez-vous un nouveau compte bancaire ? Si vous recevez une prestation de retraite mensuelle et que vous avez récemment changé de compte bancaire, vous devez mettre à jour vos informations de dépôt direct auprès du bureau de la caisse pour vous assurer que votre prochain chèque de pension sera déposé correctement. Vous pouvez mettre à jour vos informations directement dans votre portail des participants ou vous pouvez télécharger le formulaire et l'envoyer par courrier au bureau de la Caisse. TÉLÉCHARGER POUR PLUS D'INFORMATIONS En ce qui concerne vos prestations de retraite, votre admissibilité et la valeur accumulée, veuillez contacter le Bureau des prestations au (754) 777-7735 SUR LE BOUT DE VOS DOIGTS.... Vous pouvez trouver des questions fréquemment posées concernant la caisse de retraite et des documents populaires tels qu'une demande, un formulaire de dépôt direct et plus encore. Cliquez sur les liens ci-dessous! FAQ Des documents Federal Tax W-4P Form IRS - Required Changes to Form W-4P in 2023 Learn More Helpful Pension Links Helpful Pension Links Your Link to AARP Your Link to Social Security Administration Your Link to the IRS Your Link to Veterans Affairs Your Link to the PBGC Portail des participants VOS RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS SUR LA PENSION Vous pouvez désormais consulter vos informations personnelles sur les prestations de retraite, en toute sécurité et facilement, 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Directement depuis votre ordinateur ou même votre téléphone. En plus des informations sur la pension, vous pouvez également consulter vos prestations de santé et à cotisations définies, ainsi que les heures de travail et les informations sur les personnes à charge. Cliquez pour le portail>

  • Member Assistance Program | Benefit Services

    Member Assistance Program Available Beginning on October 1st, 2023 What services will the new Member Assistance Program provide you? The MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare Trust is pleased to introduce a new Members Assistance Program designed to help Local 725 members and their covered family members cope with the many personal and work challenges that we all encounter from time to time. For example, you may need confidential assistance managing stress or depression, learning new parenting skills, or finding a nursing home for a loved one. This new program, the Ulliance Life Advisor Member Assistance Program , provides many services including short-term counseling for mental health issues, coaching, crisis intervention, and community resources. Other examples of areas of assistance include: Counseling to help you manage stress, anxiety, and depression. Substance abuse counseling. Family issues counseling. Financial counseling. We think this program will be very helpful for you and your family members who are covered under the health plan. ​ Read the Introductory letter to this new program. READ HERE Program Information How is it funded? This new program is funded by the MCASF Local 725 Health & Welfare fringe benefit contribution paid by employers on behalf of eligible Local 725 members. The many services covered by the program will be provided to covered Local 725 members and their family members at no charge. Who should I contact with questions? As with all fringe benefits provided for under the terms of the MCASF Local 725 labor contract, this program will be administered by Benefit Services. If you have questions, please contact Benefit Services. When does the program go into effect? These new members assistance services became available on October 1, 2023. ​ How will Local 725 members and their covered family members be informed about the program? Making sure that all Local 725 members are aware of this new program & the services that it provides is a top priority. With that in mind, the following outreach events are planned: Throughout the month of September, Benefit Services will share information with you via US mail and E-Mail. Benefit Services is coordinating virtual presentations to take place during employers' monthly safety meetings. ​ How can you help support this effort? Benefit Services regularly sends out helpful information on all benefits administered by our office. You can help ensure that we are reaching your covered family members by signing up for our newsletters & important announcements. Spread the word: Please encourage your Local 725 brothers and sisters to watch their mail and emails. Watch Watch these introductory video on our new Member Assistance Program Watch Introductory Video Learn More Learn more on our new Member Assistance Program Member Assistance Program Summary How to Login into the MAP Portal Legal & Financial Assistance 15 Reasons To Use the Life Advisor EAP Anxiety, Stress, Sadness/Depression, Anger, Communication, Relationships, Substance Use/Addictions, Grief and Loss, Parenting/Family, Medical/Elder Care, Career/Performance Issues, Domestic Violence, Legal/Financial. The EAP is for concerns that impact your daily life, relationships, work-life balance, mental health, work and career, quality of life and overall wellness - right now. Call today and speak with a mental health professional before your concerns become a crisis. 1. When you've had an argument with your spouse/significant other and are struggling with communication. 2. When you're worried about something your teenager said or did. 3. When your good friend suddenly ghosts you and you have no idea why. 4. When you're stressed because there's not enough money for holiday season, summer vacation or bills. 5. When you've got a legal question, but you'd rather not ask your family member. 6. When you're feeling overwhelmed with Just. Too. Much, Stuff. To. Do. 7. You just got married and your kids and your new spouse's kids aren't getting along. 8. When you feel down or anxious, don't know why, and aren't sure how to deal with it. 9. When you're struggling at work making mistakes, calling in, or getting written up often. 10. When your grown kids are asking too much of you. 11. When your spouse has lost their job and you don't know where to turn. 12. When you're feeling really isolated, lost or lonely. 13. When you've decided to rein in your spending and create a family budget. 14. If you've thought about hurting yourself. 15. When you've had a death or loss in your family and would like to talk to someone. Ulliance provides no cost, confidential, short-term counseling for you & your family. Contact us at 800-448-8326 Monthly Promotions The new year is in full swing now and you have likely reached a deciding point in your New Year's Resolutions. Perhaps you have committed to moving your body regularly, or getting rid of all those extra shoes you never wear or maybe your resolution is just to be kinder to yourself and others around you. The New Year is a great time to consider making changes in your life but hold on! You don't need a brand new year to make your life easier. In fact, science says you need as little as 5 seconds. When things seem to be overwhelming you, consider a microbreak! Read More Watch Discounts For You! WORKING ADVANTAGE Find exclusive deals on hotels, flights, theme parks, and more for your next vacation. Enjoy unbeatable prices on popular destinations through our exclusive network of travel partners. Start planning your dream trip today! Discounts on other items, such as dining, shopping & more. Read More Log In

  • Contact | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    CONTACT NOUS Tél. 754-777-7735 Fax. 754-999-2205 VISITE NOUS Lundi - Vendredi 8: 00a - 5: 00p 15800, boulevard Pines, bureau 201 Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 DIRE NOUS Succès! Message reçu. Envoyer

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    Reopening under safe guidelines Our reopening plan follows all health and safety regulations to ensure a safe environment for all visitors. For more info call: 123-456-7890

  • Board of Trustees | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION FIDUCIAIRES DU TRAVAIL Kenneth E. Scott, Jr. Coprésident UA Local 725 Thomas Flavell UA Local 725 Robert Heslekrants UA Local 725 Ralph Castro UA Local 725 FIDUCIAIRES DE GESTION Eduardo Llosent Coprésident Climatisation Airtech Julie Dietrich MCASF Carlos Borja Weathertrol Larry Means Refroidisseurs du sud-est Chris Figueras Alterner EvoAir United Association Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Pipefitters Local Union 725 Association des entrepreneurs en mécanique de Floride du Sud 13185 NW 45 Avenue Opa Locka, Floride 33054 (305) 681-8596 160 O. Camino Real #132 Boca Raton, FL 33432 (305) 290-3970

  • Board of Trustees | Local 725 Benefits | United States

    CONSEIL D'ADMINISTRATION Jeffrey Allen Administration Lynn McFadden Administration Josh Allen Services de santé ​ Services de retraite Roberto Mattei Administration Lianet Prieto Services aux employeurs 15800, boulevard Pines, bureau 201 Pins de Pembroke, FL 33027 (754) 777-7735

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